Hubert H. Humphrey Pre-Academic Program

HHH Fellow with KU Librarian

Quick Information

The Hubert H. Humphrey Pre-Academic Program (2018 - present) is a program for selected Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows who would benefit from time in the United States prior to the beginning of the Fellowship.


Campus is so great and it’s easy to make friends. There [are] a lot of activities to do.

ACI Participant

Program Details

ISP has developed several custom classes for HHH Pre-Ac participants that are facilitated by Applied English Center instructors, including:

  • Academic Reading
  • Academic Presentations
  • Academic Writing
  • Computer Skills
  • Pronunciation Workshop

ISP arranges for several guest speaker sessions in which KU and local experts meet with the Fellows to cover a variety of topics that program participants will need during their Fellowship, including:

  • Banking in the United States
  • Public Safety
  • Culture, Values, & Expressions
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Students' Rights
  • Media & News
  • Women & Leadership
  • Managing Time & Stress
  • Drug Use & Abuse
  • Networking

Classwork culminates to the Hubert H. Humphrey Pre-Academic Program Forum, where Fellows present what they will be working on during their Fellowship year.

ISP arranges for participants to live in on-campus apartments. The apartments have 4 single-occupancy bedrooms, each with a private bathroom. The participants also have access to a KU dining plan and often ate at Mrs. E's, an "all-you-care-to-eat" cafeteria on campus that serves most KU dormitories.

HHH Pre-Academic Program participants had access to the following:

  • 24/7 emergency support
  • AEC staff & services
  • KU Libraries
  • KU Recreation Center
  • Student Health Services

ISP provided transportation to all required program events. HHH Pre-Academic Program participants have access to local buses for free, and ISP provided support and assistance with understanding the transportation systems that participants encountered.